Oil Seeds

Psoraliea Corylifolia (Bouchi.)

Psoralea corylifolia (Bouchi) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda and Tamil Siddha systems of medicine, and also Chinese medicine. The seeds of this plant contain a variety of coumarins including psoralen. The seeds have a variety of traditional medicinal uses.

Health Benefits:

  • • Antibacterial, Anthelmintic, Antistaphylococcal, Antifungal properties of Bakuchi is helpful in treating various skin infections and vitiligo caused by fungal or bacterial reactions.
  • • Anti inflammatory properties of Bakuchi is helpful in treating inflammations.
  • • Central muscle relaxant is helpful in treating colic pain.
  • • Mild hypotensive properties of Bakuchi helps in treating hypertension.
  • • Spasmolytic action of Bakuchi helps in treating abdominal pain.
  • • Vasodilator properties are helpful in relieving various painful conditions like headache.
  • • Antitumour properties are helpful in treating various symptoms of cancer.
  • • Antipyretic action of Bakuchi helps in treating fever conditions.

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